Love is Natural

Love is Natural

You know deep within that there is nothing but LOVE. Every creature expresses from the consciousness that they have formulated from all of the experiences in their life drama. Many have endured horrific circumstances due to the failure of the unnatural ego-mind world to understand Universal Truth: Love is natural.

It is a privilege and an honor to awaken beyond the physical senses and intellect of this ego-world. Your Soul stays tuned into the direct stream of Source at all times. This keeps you breathing. It is up to you, though, just how aware you can be of love’s presence.

Open your heart to feel more deeply the interconnectedness of every living thing on Earth and in the Universe. Source energy is available to ALL. Choose to experience its flow. Click To Tweet

~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.