Natural Living

Natural Living

Have you been increasing your level of balance with Nature each day? Are you tuning your vibration to the rhythm of Nature, God’s way? How often do you commune with the great outdoors? Can you make a conscious agreement to spend more time with Nature?

Even increasing your dosage in small increments will eventually bring you into a more relaxed state of Being. Natural living will improve your health and vitality. It will slow down the anxiety of the mind, allowing more clarity of thought. Nature’s rhythm will assist you with your emotional well-being. Physical fitness is achieved through labors of love that bring a sense of positive pride for your great accomplishments that bring benefit to our planet and her inhabitants.

Earth was designed to be cared for naturally. We come from the Earth, as does everything organic. Choose to live naturally, in tune with Gaia. Decide now to adjust your way of life to better care for God’s Creation.

~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.