

What does the word power mean to you? From the perspective of the body, power can be synonymous with strength. Within the arena of intellect, it can be viewed as intelligence. Emotional power can be felt as conviction. To many, ego power tends to denote control or force over another. And, spiritual power comes across as wisdom and virtue.

The Soul is the seat of wisdom. Our Souls are connected to life. They are always current, existing in the NOW, where everything resides. Memories are no longer alive; they are residue of what has already passed. Tradition, ritual, and the like, endeavor to keep one in the past. There is no real power in the past.

To evolve is to live in the current moment, always ready to adapt to existing circumstances. This is where true power lives. Click To Tweet The power of choice is real power. To act from a clear decision wields a great affect. To change one’s mind for the better is a sign of strength and courage. And, to create a better future for oneself and all of life on Earth is a very powerful accomplishment.

Find your personal power, your Soul’s authority. Create your future by planting your seeds of desire in the fertile soil of the now moment. Cultivate your life’s garden, watering and nourishing it, while weeding out negativity. Protect your garden from storm or drought. Take charge of your life, utilizing the inner wisdom of your Soul. Remain in your true power, your Soul’s authority, and reap the bounty of your well planned harvest.

~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.