Mankind is in need of assistance with their Awakening process. The illusion of SEPARATION from the Whole of existence has become very powerful in our current worldview, due to the many judgments made within our ego-minds.

As a Soul Awakener, Stacey Stephens has developed her Self – body/mind/Soul, to be an instrument for the purpose of dispelling this illusion. She formulates numerous energy frequency recipes for the Awakening and healing of humanity. These combinations create a force that actually dissolves lower, limiting energetic patterns within a person or group. With the disappearance of these restrictions that block life-force energy from flowing, the body and mind can come to rest in the Awakening of their Soul’s authority.

Our Souls are connected to Source energy at all times. It is only the ego-mind aspect of us that can prevent this life-giving flow from pulsating through our bodies, thereby, causing dis-ease. We are entering a time of great Awakening to our full responsibility as participants; co-creators of our life experience. We must raise our consciousness higher to envelop a grander understanding of our true Power as human beings.

Changing our perspectives is imperative to our evolution and well-being, and to the continuation of all species on planet Earth. There are many avenues available to assist us in this endeavor. We suggest that you utilize whatever form feels right for you. IT IS ALL GOD. Therefore, all roads will eventually lead to Wholeness, although some may be faster than others.

Wow - Many Doors Opened

I wasn't thinking I was struggling with anything but when I met Jack and learned about Stacey too, I felt a strong instinct to schedule an Intensive with Stacey. I thought I might learn which direction to go with my ideas, or unblock some money issues, but oh my, it was bigger than that.

When I met with Stacey, I could right away feel her thoughtfulness and her deep knowing. She explained what she saw in me and that she could clear some blocks that would have ripple effects in all areas of my life. She explained how it would feel during and after the Intensive. And while I didn't always understand the specifics of how she works, I could feel the resonance and the effect of it, both during and after. I could feel my heart saying yes. In the first Intensive, she affirmed some things that helped me let go of some "shoulds" and that has remained very freeing.

I decided to schedule more Intensives based on our conversation about the possibilities. I'm glad I trusted my instincts to do that. Stacey told me at the end of each session what I would notice after that, and she was always right. I could feel a deepening level of inner trust happening that I didn't even know was missing. The more I let myself live from this soul-level trust, the more rewards I receive in my work and personal life. Life feels easier than I thought it could be. I was already doing other things that supported my personal growth but I know this chapter with Stacey has been a key piece in the journey. We did a total of four Intensives. At the fourth one, she said new and wonderful opportunities would start to open up easily in love and business now that we'd completed some important work. I'm not exaggerating when I say that within days of that Intensive, I met someone that I believe is my Soulmate. Wow. It's been unbelievably easy, unlike any relationship I've ever known. And that was only one of many doors opening.

Val Nelson Northampton, Massachussetts

Soul Awakening

Schedule a Channeled Vibrational Healing Intensive with Stacey and find a deeper connection to the truest version of YOU. Feel the energy, enjoy the clarity, and move forward with passion for your life. Give yourself this gift. Experience the magic of your Soul Awakening.

Awaken Your Soul

Watch this video demonstration of a simple technique that you can use to assist yourself to Awaken Your Soul: