Back in 1999, Jack thought he was going crazy.

He had recently moved to Alpha Farm, an intentional community in the mountains of Oregon, and was restoring the old 2-acre vegetable garden. As he worked, he heard voices, whispering directions to him for how best to care for the growing plants.

Alarmed, he secretly sought the advice of a wise community elder in hopes that she would help him make sense of this unnerving experience. With glee, she told him that he was someone the community had been waiting for for a long time.

She explained to him that, twenty years prior, one of the founders of the Findhorn community in Scotland had come to the farm and told her that there was an abundance of Nature Spirits in the Alpha Garden, and one day someone would arrive who could communicate with them.

She eagerly encouraged Jack to listen to the Nature Spirits, expand his ability to communicate with them, and apply their advice. The results were extraordinary: huge crop yields, improved soil fertility, and the cooperation of insects and animals that had previously caused damage to the garden. The members who had lived in the community longest described that year’s garden and produce as the best they had ever experienced.

Years later, in 2010 when Jack first met Stacey in Hawaii, they visited a waterfall together and were delighted to discover that they both saw Fairies among the plants in the mist. Our joy in recognizing that we shared this experience was unbounded.

In our first days together, Stacey regaled Jack with stories of Menehune, Sprites, Fairies, and other Nature Spirits with whom she communicates. She introduced Jack to two Fairies she had known for years, Ruby and Sapphire, who have been wise teachers to us both. Stacey has long considered Sapphire to be the most beautiful Fairy she has ever seen, and her youngest daughter, who has also seen her, agrees. We are in awe of her beauty.

We have been blessed to experience much of this realm together. We have reveled with troupes of Fairies numbering from thirty to thousands, from around the world, and have marveled at their diversity. One in particular, whom Stacey calls “Wild Man”, has been especially helpful to us. He reminds us both to embrace our own wild nature and embody strength inherent to natural humans.

From the Water Sprites of our pond, to the troupe of Fairies that lives in our glade, Nature Spirits are always among us. Being open to their guidance has improved our relationship with Nature, and made our lives immeasurably brighter.

Recently, we learned that a Fairy Congress is held in the Pacific Northwest every year, where people gather to celebrate the Fairy Realm and share their experiences of Nature Spirits. We look forward to attending a future event.

How about you? Have you had experiences with Nature Spirits? Please share!

Rich Blessings,   Jack and Stacey

Next Steps: If you would like personalized, specific support for your health, take a look at the Channeled Vibrational Healing Intensive and take us up on a spiritual coaching session to get started.