

We are inclined to share with you the many wonders of the Spirit world. You may have heard of Fairies, yes? We delight in their gaiety. They bring much to the table, so to speak.

Have you had your own experience with them? You probably have, without knowing. Especially, if you have spent time alone in a natural setting far from the hustle and bustle of the ego-mind world.

They keep themselves deep in the woods, jungles and anywhere uninhabited by people. Seek them out, gently. You will need to resonate love of Nature to call them to you. For, they are Nature’s ambassadors.

Their gentleness is reviving. They will fill you with ‘Fairy Dust’ if you are open enough. The bliss that this brings will keep you coming back for more. And, you will be inclined to save the forests, their home.

Reach out to all the Spirits of this world and share in the blessings that they offer. Click To Tweet Please bless them in return.

~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.