Free Yourself

Free Yourself

“You will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Free from false beliefs. Free to express your divinity. Free to become your Soul Self.

How do you know what is truth for you? You feel exhilaration. You feel your connection to everything. You feel the ONENESS experience that the masters have been declaring for ages. You feel alive, well and generous.

The methods to reach this divine place within your very Being are many. Choose what feels right to you. Meditation (sitting in silence to hear and feel the wisdom of your Soul) is the most popular method, and yet, there are multitudes of ways to meditate. You can also experience your truth while walking alone in Nature connecting to Earth’s rhythm, dancing euphorically while experiencing the interconnectedness with others, or while using your imagination to create a future event.

Knowing is experiential. Do not be afraid to experience life. Free yourself.

~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.