This week Jack participated in an engaging conversation with the organizers of an upcoming event for sustainability entrepreneurs, sponsored by one of his favorite online groups of conscious business leaders.

A profound shift happened in the group when Jack and others suggested that “sustainability” is no longer the leading edge of our collective consciousness. Rather, the deeper principle is “regenerative“.

Sustainability is about minimizing the negative impacts our decisions have on the health and well-being of ourselves, our businesses, our community, and Nature. It is an improvement upon previous practices that accounted only for profit. However, anyone paying close attention will recognize that if human society continues to sustain our current behavior, we will not likely survive the results. Already, we are in the midst of a mass extinction of other species due to negative human impact.


Regenerative systems enhance health and well-being, restore and replenish what has been damaged, and take into consideration the whole of life.

Earth is a regenerative system. A healthy ecosystem is regenerative. The fact that Everything is Interconnected is a baseline truth in a regenerative system. When you address one part of the ecosystem, you inherently impact every other part. Fortunately, some people are innovating, within principles of Nature, when redesigning consumer products, agricultural practices, manufacturing processes, housing, healthcare, wildlife protection, etc.

For more information about some of these leading edge people and practices take a look at the work of:

  • Janine Benyus and Biomimicry: An emerging discipline that emulates nature’s designs and processes (e.g., solar cells that mimic leaves) to create a healthier, more sustainable planet.
  • Wes Jackson and The Land Institute: Developing perennial grains that can be grown in mixtures that share the complexity, fertility and resilience of prairies, a change that will make a just and healthy food future possible.
  • Darren Doherty and Lisa Heenan at Regrarians: Regenerating, restoring, rehabilitating, rekindling & rebooting production landscapes across this planet.
  • The Permaculture movement. Especially David Holmgren and Geoff Lawton: Thinking tools, that when used together, allow us to creatively re-design our environment and our behavior in a world of less energy and resources.
  • Natural Builders: Supporting ecological regeneration, social justice, the building of community and economic opportunity, and the recognition of indigenous wisdom as essential in creating healthy, beautiful, and spiritually-uplifting habitation for everyone.
  • Charlotte Gerson and The Gerson Institute: An alternative, non-toxic treatment for cancer and other chronic degenerative diseases.
  • Jane Goodall and the Jane Goodall Institute: Protection of great apes and their habitat and inspiring individual action by young people of all ages to help animals, other people and to protect the world we all share.
  • John Fullerton and Capital Institute: Regenerative capitalism: a new way of thinking about economics and how we manage our free enterprise system, aligned with our scientific understanding of how the universe actually works and with our shared values.

If you desire to live in harmony within the regenerative system of Nature, it is valuable to have reliable ethics and design principles through which to filter your decisions. We highly recommend incorporating the principles of permaculture into your life and work:


Mindfulness and Regenerative Practices

As the conversation in the mindful business group deepened, those in the group with experience working with regenerative principles recognized that they had something else in common besides a love of nature: they each practice meditation.

A mindfulness practice that helps you experience your interconnectedness with all of life will also assist you to pay attention to the the impact of your choices, regardless of what part of life you are addressing.

The Ancient Ones often tell us that our Souls are connected to Source at all times and, because of this, when we listen within to our inner wisdom we will only be guided into decisions that are for the highest good of all. It is good to be aware. Then, we can take right action.


Right Action

Today, more of us are hearing the call to stand up for Nature, to take responsibility for our negative impacts and to honor the web of life through our positive actions. Each of us has a responsibility to every Being on this planet, because of our interconnectedness, to be an active participant in co-creating a human society that explores and applies regenerative practices for the sake of ourselves and all living beings that make up life on Earth.

Are you working to make a difference in a regenerative way? Do you know someone who is? Please use the comments below to share information and links to other examples and resources. And, please share this post to spread the word about regenerative practices.

Rich Blessings, Jack and Stacey


Soul Self Living: Awakening your Soul to become an active participant in a regenerative world.


Next Steps

What would your life look like if you were living as your Soul designed?

Jack Stephens is working one-to-one with coaches, therapists, entrepreneurs, and other mindful independent professionals when they sense that something regenerative wants to emerge in their work. He helps them connect more deeply to their innate wisdom, and move skillfully through their visioning to manifestation process.

Experience a spiritual coaching session to get started.

Do you feel the prompting to ask SPIRIT for assistance in your Awakening process?

Maybe you’re ready for a Channeled Vibrational Healing Intensive with The Ancient Ones, through Stacey Stephens.