

Do you believe in having fun? Or, is that just for kids? What brings you a sense of joy? Have you found laughter to be the best medicine? Does enjoyment bring more meaning to your life? Do you delight in positive interactions with others?

How much value do you find in pleasure? Is your attitude one that uplifts those around you? Do you revel in the enjoyment of the vast variety of taste, smell, color, texture, and sound? Are you someone who appreciates laughter, looks forward with excitement, and anticipates happy outcomes?

Do you look at the bright side of every equation? Is your consciousness high enough to see past the prejudices of racism to experience the beauty of diversity? Are you able to find inspiration from your connection to God?

Lift your awareness to see the ever abundant good within the human heart. Connect Soul to Soul for a satisfying experience with another. Treat all life as sacred, and experience fun in your daily life. Click To Tweet

~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.