Love Life

Love Life

We are pleased to share with you the many ways to lift your vibration into heights indicative of being human. As a human being, you have the ability to feel the powerful exhilaration experienced while worshiping a higher power. This feeling is exclusive to people. This radiant pleasure fills every cell in your body. It relaxes your mind. It soothes your emotions. And, it allows your body to function well. Worship can bring you into a state of blissful gratitude for being alive.

As a human being, you can enjoy the beauty of creating a family. To love another as yourself is easier with your own flesh and blood. Children are one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. They can bring out your most hidden areas from within yourself. It is nearly impossible for a parent to not feel deep love for their children. Love is the energy of God.

People are able to co-create with those of like-mind. A person can join with another from across the planet to embark on a mutual project. This kind of camaraderie is impossible for most animals, as they are limited to interacting with those within their vicinity (Migratory animals have a greater range of connection). People are no longer limited by their physical location.

Humans also enjoy caring for other living organisms, be it animal, plant, mineral, insect, etc. A person can choose to care for what truly brings them joy. The variety of life on Earth is astonishing. What is your favorite? Click To Tweet

And, when a person reaches a certain state of Being, they find fulfillment in assisting others to awaken to the divinity of life on Earth. This becomes one’s greatest desire, to help others raise their vibration for the benefit of all Creation.

~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.