New Year

New Year

As time is issued to each and every one in the Earthly realm, it has come to pass yet another year in the Gregorian calendar. Man has divided his life into time frames that make keeping track of his past and planning his future easier. Though, there is no time like the present!

What will humanity achieve in this next year? Will world hunger be eliminated? Will people awaken to the equivalence of all life? What about true Self-expression? Will human beings break free from the limiting belief systems that cut off the flow of life-force energy, so they may enjoy the abundance of wholesome pleasure that Nature has to offer?

We hope this next year will bring humanity closer to the reflection of “God’s image” which is divine, powerfully good, wise and active. May this year be the year that mankind puts aside foolish ways of thinking and behaving that cause pain and suffering due to the false belief in separation from God, ALL THAT IS.

Let us join our fellow man and rejoice in our ONENESS to co-create a better world to live in for every living creature on Earth!


~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.