Hands of God

Hands of God

How many times in your life have you felt truly cared for by another? Can you feel the beneficial difference this has made in your life? Are you willing to be that type of giving person for another?

When we come into body we find that we need the assistance of others, usually our parents and other family members. Some people are born without family to care for them. Are you in a position to assist those who may be in special need of this kind of loving care?

Can you dedicate a portion of your time to helping those in need emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually? We are all family here on Earth. We must endeavor to see everyone as a brother or sister in need of our loving attention. Remember, as physical Beings, we are the hands of God.

~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.