World Changes

World Changes

How well are you coping with the new changes taking affect in the world? Do you look for ways in which you can improve life for all? What role do you play in creating a happy life for yourself and others? Do you take into consideration the well-being of everyone?

We live in a world that is always changing. These changes occur with your permission, your involvement, or your allowing. How involved are you in co-creating the world that you live in? Do you make your voice heard?

Keep in mind that there is only love to express or repress. Can you open your heart to express more love? Can you accept your life the way that you have allowed it to develop? Or, do you need to make some changes within and apply them without?

You have more control than you are aware. Make a difference if you feel guided. Help whomever you feel drawn to assist. Everything you do makes a difference for someone. Choose wisely.

~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.