Become a Beacon of Light

Become a Beacon of Light

We are assuring you that if you allow your Soul to share with you the wisdom of living your life to the fullest capacity with your heart open in love, your mind open with curiosity and your desire for contributing to the well-being of the planet in the forefront, you will enjoy your experience here on Earth to a much greater degree.

When you allow life-force energy to flow through every channel within your body you become a beacon of light. For, that is what life-force energy is – light. Divinity expresses god-like qualities of love, compassion, understanding, service, and wisdom.

When you live the life of your Soul, you will balance Self-care with caring for all of creation. You will feel the interconnectedness of life in all its forms. You will become ONE with all of life.

Remember, IT IS ALL GOD. Therefore, nothing is to be judged as otherwise. This is true wisdom.

~ The Ancient Ones



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This message was channeled by Stacey Stephens, Healing Channel for The Ancient Ones.