Balance is key to one’s well-being. Men and women have certain proclivities that may differ from each other. Uniqueness is also a factor. Therefore, balance is relative to each person.

A good rule of thumb is to choose that which would suit you best personally. Are you more inclined to be an introvert, extrovert, or ambivert? Do you prefer mental or physical activities? Are you one to speak out or remain silent? Do you take charge or follow?

When you examine your tendencies, be sure to allow for your own unique personality traits. People are not meant to be carbon copies. It is wonderful when you can figure out how to best maintain your equilibrium.

Masculine traits have more to do with taking care of oneself and one’s belongings. Feminine characteristics favor caring for others and the well-being of those less fortunate. When a person can balance these two, they become strong and caring people able to honor the value of both themselves and others.

Balance lies in being strong enough to care for oneself, family, and belongings and also caring enough to include the rest of humanity, the Earth and all of its inhabitants. Where do you stand in this mix? Do you need to strengthen your self-care, or do you need to improve your care for others?

Love is the power necessary to accomplish all that is needed to obtain true balance. Open your heart to love more. Awaken your Soul to express its natural care for all of creation. Seek out ways to assist and benefit the world. Mankind is in great need of loving, strong people.