The divine spark of your Soul is always with you. Sometimes it seems to get buried under all of the hardships that occur during a person’s lifetime. Seek to uncover this magnificent light within you. There are several approaches that can be useful. Try out each one that feels right to you:

REMEMBER: Endeavor to remember how you felt when you were shining brightly. Keep this memory in your mind until it fills you again with the beautiful energetics of your Soul’s knowing. Think of yourself as dissolving all that is between you and YOU. Do this often until you can keep this spark alit.

CARE: Open your heart to care for another. When your Soul comes to the spiritual assistance of someone, it will naturally illuminate itself in order to bring the necessary vibration to uplift those involved.

VOLUNTEER: Volunteer your time helping people and/or the planet. Choose an activity that really means something to you. This will ignite your passion. Seek to keep your focus on positive solutions.

WRITE: Spread the word. Allow your Soul to share positive, uplifting ideas with others. Writing from your Soul’s perspective can help to ease the tumultuous minds of those who have been overcome with despair.

DANCE: Body movement can help to awaken parts of your Being that have gone into slumber. Create the right space for yourself to unleash your vibrancy and feel your Soul moving through you.

GIVE: Whatever you can give to another will keep you in the flow of generosity. Generosity is a sign of spiritual well-being.

TRUST: Trust in the goodness of life. Everything that happens occurs because someone has set it into motion. Trust your Soul to show you what is yours to do. If you feel fully alive, ecstatic, passionate or even hopeful your Soul is shining through.