It is not necessary to discover your past life karma with others in order to complete your account. If you endeavor to live your life in Love you will automatically balance your karmic account which is made up of past experiences where you had chosen fear, judgment or hatred.

We recommend to everyone that they first seek to know themselves before trying to know another. When you focus on your own expression of love and life, regardless of circumstances, you will have the opportunity to clean your slate with all.

Karma does not mean you owe someone else. Your karma is yours to work through and is not dependent on anyone else. You can clear your past karma in an instant of Divine Oneness where you recognize and become your Divine truth, your Soul Self.

Once you realize that you are here to love and uplift others you will create very little karma to correct. Remember, karma is formed when a choice is made to restrict, deny or destroy love/life. So, seek to stay in LOVE.