This world of mankind is made up of two factions of thought – that which is in tune with Nature (God’s way), and that which is out of balance with Nature. When a person or group of people endeavor to work within Nature’s balance, many wonderful things can be accomplished for the highest good of all, including planet Earth.

The issues at hand come from people not taking into consideration the effects of their behavior on the natural world. Thus, pollution, toxicity of all sorts, disease, stress, climate change, natural disasters and the like fill the Earth.

When choosing your lifestyle, endeavor to seek highest good for all. This will alleviate much of the harm done to yourself, others, and our beautiful Earth. As your choices advance to help clean-up that which is still causing harm, you will experience a sense of positive pride in your stewardship of this planet.

Health and well-being are achieved and maintained by living in balance with Nature. Seek, therefore, to balance yourself and to live upon Mother Earth in as natural a way as possible.