Thank you for your beautiful question. Many times, people shy away from others because of past emotional abuse that has worn them down. To help them recover from this we offer a simple recipe: LOVE them back to their well-being.

This can be challenging with some people due to their distrust in others. But, with enough time and persistence your love can soften their hardened shell. As they realize your true affection, they will be more apt to allow you into their inner world.

As with any creature who has been wounded, time, loving persistence, and true connection can bring them back into their trusting nature. Remember that a wound must be soothed and cared for before a person can feel secure enough to trust another.

Once you have gained their trust, it is vital that you remain true to your word. Continue to be honest with them. This does not mean you go against your own inner truth to appease them. Rather, to build a strong relationship with anyone you must be true to yourself as well.

As you build the trust between you both, you will come to see just how wonderful a loving, honest, and caring relationship can become. Whether your relationship is a deep friendship or a romantic partnership, LOVE is the magical ingredient.

Loving-kindness can soften almost any armor.