We are pleased to answer this question for you. There are numerous ways to discover what it is that your Soul and ego-mind, along with your body, would like to accomplish in this incarnation. And, when you combine these three aspects of yourself you will come to know your own individual purpose.

Your body will show you what it is interested in doing by the way it gets excited about certain endeavors. You will feel strong and capable with an excess amount of energy to expend on the project that excites your energy field. Time will fly by while you are engrossed in that which fuels you. It may even feel instinctual to follow a certain path.

Your ego-mind will feel an ease when you touch upon a topic that stirs its fascination. An inner drive may take over, giving you all the focus you need on the subject. You will be intuitively drawn to that which is yours to uncover about yourself. And, it will not feel like work or a waste of time. Rather, you will desire to examine every nook and cranny until you master yourself within the subject.

Your Soul will give you clues throughout your life. Pay attention to how you feel at all times. When you feel a positive attraction to something, endeavor to check it out. Pay attention to when you experience an expansiveness within you. Your Soul gets excited when you participate in things that it wants to do. Joy is a good sign that you are expressing your truth. Seek out that which brings you to life. When your life-force energy is flowing well you can truly feel it.

And, when you feel bored, exhausted, or over-stressed, step back to see if what you are endeavoring to do is really for you. When you feel constriction, a lack of interest, or anxiety these may be symptoms showing you that it’s time to move in a different direction.

Some Souls come into this life with a mission to assist others in some way. Service drives them. Helping people improve their well-being becomes the center of their focus.

Others come here to complete certain karmic issues that may have gotten interrupted during former lifetimes. Or, they may have agreed to bring through certain Souls through their wombs, giving birth to and raising strong individuals who will fulfill a powerful mission.

Each Soul has its very own agenda for incarnating. Each person is born with a certain type of body and mind that is suited for their purpose. Learning who you are, why you are here, and what you have come to accomplish is your main role in life. Seek and you shall find.

WE would be happy to help you figure out your Soul’s calling. Ask and it is given. Spirit is always available to assist those who ask for help. Sometimes it can be extremely useful to work with someone who has devoted their life to helping others find their purpose.