For millennia people have used crystals, minerals and stones to enhance their energy bodies. Each one has its own type of frequency that can aid in shifting one’s vibration, especially when touched, held or worn.

These marvelous “rocks” carry within them a steady vibration that can help to alter the frequencies around them. When used properly, they act as catalysts to help launch certain creations. And, when several are used together, their combined frequencies can also enhance one’s own energy body by filling in the gaps where certain frequencies may be missing.

We like to treat each piece like an individual, where some work better together than others. Because these fine tools carry subtle frequencies, one must FEEL their way while attempting to build a grid. A good rule of thumb is if you feel better when around them keep them close. But, if you feel that the combination you are using causes an uneasy feeling, then by all means change the arrangement.

When combined, crystals, like any other vibrating matter, can create a harmonious experience or a feeling of discord.