There are two ways to obtain a person’s agreement. Either through encouragement and invitation or through intimidation and coercion. One is of Spirit, the other is used by the ego-mind.

Whenever force is used, it is most likely an idea of the ego-mind in order to control the situation. Spirit prefers to allow people to come into agreement through proper spiritual education and the inner inspiration of their own Soul.

Controlling a person’s behavior by means of humiliation and punishment is a technique often used by institutions endeavoring to manage large groups. It creates an illusory sense of safety among fearful people.

LOVE and spiritual inspiration assist people in a more positive direction towards a greater universal approach. When people realize their own God-given ability to co-create through uplifting encouragement, they will then act from a deeper wellspring within them, namely, their Soul.

God creates. Fearful ego-minds tend to control. Spirit uplifts and inspires. Fearful ego-minds are likely to demand and punish. LOVE encourages. Fearful ego-minds are inclined to manipulate and coerce.

It is up to you to choose how you will allow yourself to be treated and to choose how you will treat others. We suggest you seek out the understanding of your Soul. Remember, God is LOVE.