WE would offer this simple recommendation; JUDGE NOTHING.

You see, judgement is a man-made issue. There is no God in the heavens that rejects anybody. All are welcome. Everyone is here to co-create this ego-mind world.

When judgment enters the equation, restrictions are placed on the energy flow of the body. This eventually can cause withering, exhaustion and disease.

Judgment restricts the mind from perceiving all the good that life has to offer. And, in some cases, it can cause a person to develop a superiority complex where they value others as less than themselves. Self-judgment can create an inferiority complex where a person can value themselves as less than another.

Emotionally, judgment can create pockets of negative energy that stay within the body, causing all sorts of turmoil including withdrawal, loneliness and depression. Rage within an energy pocket can seem to have a mind of its own. When ‘triggered’ it can bring a person to do harmful acts against another. Sadness held for too long can suffocate the life out of people.

Remember to allow each person their God-given right to choose for themselves how they wish to express in their lives. Your role is to avoid harming or being harmed by others. This does not mean there should be no agreed upon codes of behavior, that is why people have designed governing systems that can be voted upon by the public. Every rule is man-made. Therefore, choose wisely which ones you wish to uphold and set out to change the ones that are not serving the well-being of all life on this lovely planet.