WE would say to you to see yourself as a character in their movie. You can always leave the scene. When someone is acting out in a manner that is harmful, uncaring or unethical you do not need to participate with them.

You also do not need to bring them into your movie. You create your adventure with every thought, feeling and desire that you focus your attention upon. Endeavor to focus on what is comforting, solution oriented and highest good for all.

When you realize that your power is in your attention and your intention, you will naturally release from your experience anyone or anything that does not meet the requirements for a positive and caring outcome.

When you stop playing victim roles in the scripts of bullies and instead formulate your own scripts that bring into focus the well-being of all, you will gain a valuable reputation that in time will lead you to a successful and fulfilling life path.

No one and no-thing can cause you lasting harm when you choose wisely to follow your Soul’s truth. Everything in your experience is there for you to decide how to respond. It is in your own response that your future is determined. Endeavor to respond with the wisdom of your Soul.

Your Soul is aware of the ‘long-game’ that eventually shows you where you are at in your life, whether you are balanced or off-kilter. Take your cues from how centered you feel when you are deciding on what action to take. Wisdom considers the long-lasting effects of any decision. Balance is maintained by walking carefully upon this Earth.