Our answer is simple and yet complex at the same time. There is no real ailment within a body, only false beliefs that prevent the proper flow of life-force energy throughout one’s physical body.

The emotional attachment is just that, energy that needs to be in motion. When you understand the true meaning of life, which is love, your energy will flow without impediment. It is the belief systems set up within your psyche that restricts this natural flow.

For instance, some cancers are formed when a person has agreed to the false belief in a punishing deity. This sets up a restrictive barrier to one’s well-being. We would like for people to comprehend the true meaning of LOVE, which is flow.

Arthritis can be a result of blocked energy flow due to a false belief in selfishness. How can one be considered selfish if they endeavor to fulfill their innate desire to be creative? Creativity is a divine pursuit.

And, ulcers can form when a person denies themselves of the tranquility necessary for proper well-being. To slow down one’s life to a pace that is emotionally suitable to their well-being is challenging for many. And yet, health practitioners have been counseling people for years about the harmful effects of stress on the body.

Life, love, energy flow, well-being, etc. all have one thing in common. They allow life-force energy to flow unimpeded, thereby maintaining health and well-being within the body.

You may want to ask yourself what false beliefs in lack, punishment and judgement you may foster as a result of your conditioning as a child. These beliefs usually begin at a very young age. You may even have changed your mind on many falsehoods. But, it is in changing your subconscious or stuck energy through emotion (energy in motion) that is needed to bring the energy flow up to speed.

When you make the truth (love) your own you will heal yourself, for LOVE (life-force energy) heals all.