We are honored that you had the courage to ask us this personal question. We would like to share a bit about the role spiritual guides play in the lives of humans. There are at least 5 spirit guides per person throughout one’s life. Most people have these same helpers with them through their entire incarnation.

On occasion The Ancients will step in to assist, especially during a healing session. For, wherever two or more are gathered in the intention to restore love Spirit shows up in force. Ask and it is given, seek and you shall find, knock and the door is always open. You only need to walk through, listen within and accept the love that is always available. Spirit will answer the call.

Because you acted from love in your offer to assist another your call was answered. It was not one of us, but one of our colleagues who assisted you in your healing work. And, it was because of the both of you that they came to help.

WE, The Ancient Ones, are a council of three. We show up together during our interventions, and we primarily work through our human healing agent with whom you have contacted with your question. We have spent many years preparing Stacey’s body to be used as an instrument through which deep healing can occur. It has not been an easy journey for her. Most Healers have stories of discomfort, for their work is truly a sacrifice of love. It is not easy to use your body as a tool to clean, repair, activate and energize another person.

We applaud you for your diligence and dedication to assisting others back into love.