WE would like for you to see bullies as people lacking real care for others. They live in a small world where they feel alone and in competition with everyone else. This type of isolation is self-made. Bullies push away true friendships with their demands of compliance from others.

Can you feel truly cared for, peaceful or safe around people who want to dominate you? You are not alone in wanting to co-create a better life for yourself and others. Stand in your personal truth of well-being. Develop strong relationships with those of like-mind. Trust brings people together in a powerful way.

To remove a bully’s self-made power, we suggest you use a greater power that can only be found in numbers. Gather as many people together as you can to create the force necessary to dethrone them. When you act as a united group, your numbers speak volumes loud enough to create real change.

Remember, your power is in your numbers. Gather, gather, gather. Then, take action.