We are pleased to address such a sensitive subject. As ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are ego-mind definitions, we must claim a higher version of truth. IT IS ALL GOD; therefore, it is all good in the spiritual sense of the word.

Many wonderful creations have come forth through extramarital affairs. Our dear Channel is living proof of this. And, because she was raised without a father, she learned to rely on spiritual advisors, like ourselves, to help guide her through her life. We are pleased that her mother chose to keep her.

The main three issues we see with adultery are deceit, betrayal, and judgment. We will break these down: Deceit destroys trust. Betrayal hurts deeply. And, the judgment from the spouse and others can cause themselves to close their hearts, and sometimes cast curses by wishing ill of the offender.

The act of adultery itself usually comes from three reasons: Boredom in the relationship. Neglect from the spouse. Or, Soulmates reuniting. If boredom is the reason, then one may need to add more excitement and intimacy in the relationship. Neglect must be remedied, the couple possibly needing counselling. Soulmates finding each other can stir up such powerful past life connections that they may find it challenging to work through more appropriate ways that call for patience while dismantling their current marriage, before getting together.

Life is ever moving forward. Which means it can be messy at times. When two people come together in love and choose to marry, they make a promise to continue loving each other for the duration of their life together. Many are hopeful that this will continue until their old age and death. But most people end their relationship before then, creating a spiritual death of the marriage. Either way, whatever reason one gives for their break-up, it is all one’s own business.

We suggest that you examine your motives for an extramarital affair and weigh them to see whether it is worth the price of pain to all involved. Only you can decide for yourself what is best for you. GOD does not judge. Only humans make judgments. Your karma is created by what YOU think you deserve. Grace from GOD wipes all slates clean.