
Answers from The Ancient Ones regarding health.

I saw spirit guides during a healing. Were they here in respect to my client and allowed me to see them or was it somehow to do with me?

We are honored that you had the courage to ask us this personal question. We would like to share a bit about the role spiritual guides play in the lives of humans. There are at least 5 spirit guides per person throughout one’s life. Most people have these same helpers with them through their entire [...]

By |2018-10-28T11:12:30-07:00November 3rd, 2018|0 Comments

How does one fully comprehend the emotional attachment to the physical ailments our body speaks to us with?

Our answer is simple and yet complex at the same time. There is no real ailment within a body, only false beliefs that prevent the proper flow of life-force energy throughout one’s physical body. The emotional attachment is just that, energy that needs to be in motion. When you understand the true meaning of life, [...]

By |2018-10-26T06:47:35-07:00October 27th, 2018|0 Comments

How do I keep myself flowing with life-force energy?

WE would offer this simple recommendation; JUDGE NOTHING. You see, judgement is a man-made issue. There is no God in the heavens that rejects anybody. All are welcome. Everyone is here to co-create this ego-mind world. When judgment enters the equation, restrictions are placed on the energy flow of the body. This eventually can cause [...]

By |2018-10-05T15:55:47-07:00October 7th, 2018|0 Comments