To get energy into motion (emotion), we suggest that you first realize a truth that will help you to relax enough to allow the stuck energy to move. Fear creates a barrier that prevents energy from circulating through the system. By removing the fear-based blockage, you can naturally feel the movement that you are looking for.

This simple truth that LOVE is all that truly exists will help you to reshape your consciousness into a more free-flowing expression. The universe is always in motion, flowing steadily towards balance. Life is always seeking ways to recover its balance.

Balance is enhanced with loving kindness. You can find your balance more easily when you relax your mind and allow your Soul to guide you from your heart. Please know that there is no punishment coming to you from God, or Source. The only judgement and perhaps punishment that you need concern yourself with is that which is put upon you by mankind. For, it is the ego-mind separated from the heart that seeks to judge and punish another.

God loves you as you are, and this beautiful Source energy desires your well-being. Seek therefore to love yourself as God loves you. And, endeavor to relax your own judgement of yourself. As you do this you will find a peace that surpasses all understanding. For the ego-mind, at this time, seems to only understand judgement and punishment. Please realize that judgement does not come from God.

It will be a wonderful world when people finally understand that restorative justice can alleviate much of the pain and fearfulness that punitive measures create. Humanity will wake up eventually. You can start now.

~ The Ancient Ones

PS. Please check out the blog post – ‘You Are Divine’ to read about restorative justice.