There are two ways to look at a situation. One is to worry that things will not turn out well. The other is to experience the situation, in its completed form, where everything works out for the highest good of all (including yourself).

When you focus on the outcome that you want, you set into motion all the key ingredients for success. People and whatever is needed will either show up or become available to assist you in fulfilling your vision. When you hold the vibration of loving care for these critters, you attract to yourself the same from others who share in your affection. Gather to yourself all that is needed by holding strong and patient to your goal and take the proper action to fulfill your desire to care for these creatures. Many hands make for lighter work.

Train yourself to focus only on the good that you wish to accomplish, and you will alleviate much of the stress in your life. Also, realize that you are not alone in your desire. There are many people who will be glad to assist when you reach out to them. So, reach out often and by every means available. The world needs more caring humans like yourself.