We understand the predicament that you find yourself in. First, we commend you for knowing your calling. This alone will give you the fortitude to withstand the many winds of change that you may experience during this period.

Also, it may be easier to accept emotional outbursts from a family member than from a non-related boss. Family members can sometimes seek a free pass when it comes to expressing their emotions. This does not excuse the abusiveness, it only shows the common experience that many people endeavor to endure.

When you understand that your father has an issue with his emotional temperament you can help to alleviate much of his stress by cooperating as best as you can to avoid creating the circumstances that may cause his outbursts. This will help all involved to have a more pleasant working environment.

Your spiritual and emotional center is dependent upon your own sense of self-worth. Strengthen your knowing of your worthiness and you will be better able to tolerate your father’s lack of self-control.

Care for yourself well during this stage of your life with plenty of rest and recuperation, and try to see your father through loving eyes. How you treat him is just as important as how he treats you. Show him that you have what it takes to keep your cool even when he cannot.

When you hold your center during these trying times, you show yourself responsibly mature and well-equipped to take over the family business when the time comes for you to inherit it.

How we treat others is a sign of how we are doing personally. Keep an eye on yourself that you continue to respect others the way you wish to be respected. In time you will reap a good harvest for all your efforts.