
Answers from The Ancient Ones about happiness and finding happiness.

Shouldn’t people be punished for wrongdoing?

In the ego-mind realm people believe that ‘wrongdoers’ should be punished. However, in the Spirit dimension we know a higher truth and, therefore, we say that GOD does not punish. Rather, when someone has done something that is considered harmful, we suggest that they be shown the correct way and be given the opportunity to [...]

By |2019-05-14T14:51:15-07:00May 18th, 2019|0 Comments

I would like to ask about extramarital affairs and karmic account. Why do extramarital affairs happen? Is it some past life connection between those two people? And is an extramarital affair wrong? Because the definition of right and wrong is subjective. And if yes then why can’t we help it when it happens (even though we know it’s wrong)? What are the karmic implications of an extramarital affair?

We are pleased to address such a sensitive subject. As ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ are ego-mind definitions, we must claim a higher version of truth. IT IS ALL GOD; therefore, it is all good in the spiritual sense of the word. Many wonderful creations have come forth through extramarital affairs. Our dear Channel is living proof [...]

By |2019-04-30T08:20:04-07:00May 5th, 2019|0 Comments

Why do people hurt each other?

It is an interesting phenomenon that when a person is hurting inside, they act out in a form of anger to pull others into their negativity. You could say that they want company, or they just can’t help themselves. We say, pain is like an infection that can spread like wildfire if it is not [...]

By |2019-04-27T15:04:00-07:00April 27th, 2019|0 Comments

How do I open my heart more?

Our simple answer is to care more. Care more about your own well-being. Care more about the well-being of your loved ones. Care more about the well-being of humanity. Care more about the well-being of the Earth and all its inhabitants. When you care, your heart opens wide. Sometimes this can bring forth tears of [...]

By |2019-04-20T07:32:25-07:00April 20th, 2019|0 Comments

How can I balance my masculine and feminine energy?

Balance is key to one’s well-being. Men and women have certain proclivities that may differ from each other. Uniqueness is also a factor. Therefore, balance is relative to each person. A good rule of thumb is to choose that which would suit you best personally. Are you more inclined to be an introvert, extrovert, or [...]

By |2019-03-31T12:52:01-07:00April 6th, 2019|0 Comments

How do you know when to stay and speak up about dysfunctional systems and when it’s time to walk away because the organization is too far gone? Another way to say that might be: How do you know when your role in a situation matters enough to stay even if you wonder if it’s like staying in an abusive relationship? Or even if it is abusive, how do you know when it’s redeemable? Part of me just wants permission to leave, and part of me thinks that is a cop-out in a world full of problems. When I think about leaving, I feel relief. When I think about staying, I feel drained and hopeless much of the time, although other times I realize I’m learning a lot. I wish I could land somewhere. Maybe life is just messy at best.

Your feeling nature is your best guide. Trust the relief that you feel. Even if the organization is redeemable, it may not be ideal for YOU to participate any longer. There are plenty of qualified people who can be useful in turning a negative situation around. The key is for them to feel the excitement [...]

By |2019-03-23T09:28:35-07:00March 16th, 2019|0 Comments

I stand to inherit my emotionally abusive father’s business. I love the work and feel it is my calling, but the environment gets very toxic when he is in an outrage and I feel it may be harming my health. How do I maintain my center and well-being while working with him before he retires?

We understand the predicament that you find yourself in. First, we commend you for knowing your calling. This alone will give you the fortitude to withstand the many winds of change that you may experience during this period. Also, it may be easier to accept emotional outbursts from a family member than from a non-related [...]

By |2020-01-22T09:57:38-08:00February 9th, 2019|0 Comments

I feed and care for feral cats on a farm. I am in constant worry over them. What can I do to stop this worrying and stop this situation from taking over my life?

There are two ways to look at a situation. One is to worry that things will not turn out well. The other is to experience the situation, in its completed form, where everything works out for the highest good of all (including yourself). When you focus on the outcome that you want, you set into [...]

By |2019-01-30T09:56:52-08:00February 2nd, 2019|0 Comments